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I have spent my entire life in a 30-mile radius in the suburbs of Atlanta, and am a true southern girl at heart. Hard work and determination were character traits instilled in me at a young age by parents who worked multiple jobs to provide for our family. I have always had a love for learning and graduated from Kennesaw State University with a degree in finance in 2005. While my closet ambition was to be a stand-up comedian, my more practical goal after college was to attend law school. In 2004, I married David Hallford, whom I met at the first grade lunch table. We reconnected during college, married, and dreamed of a big family. I pursued my law ambitions while he followed a family trade
by accepting a position as a fire fighter. Three years later, we were expecting our first child when cancer ripped our life apart. I was diagnosed with cancer in my neck 32 weeks into my pregnancy. The stage IV cancer rapidly spread from my neck to my brain, lungs, and liver, with one radiologist noting the tumors on my lungs were “innumerable.” I was given weeks to live, advised to record videos, write letters to my infant son and take as many pictures as possible. Then, in my darkest hour, my church organized an effort to fast for thirty days, praying for my healing, and for wisdom for my doctor. A few months later, after a routine scan, my doctor shockingly reported there was “no evidence of disease present.”
Next, we faced the heart-wrenching battle with fertility, only to see the Lord miraculously provide us with two more children. Having seen the Lord restore the years the locust have eaten in our lives, I am eager to tell my story and what the Lord has done.
​We currently live in Georgia with our three kids and Jack Russell Terrier, Lulu. I frequently speak at ladies’ banquets and conferences. We enjoy spending time with our family and serving in our church – Happy Valley Baptist Church in Villa Rica.
Psalms 30:2